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Bobulous Green

A member registered Feb 16, 2022

Recent community posts

this is what i meant giving the ultimatum of you are either with me or against me is wrong and doesnt fix anything as it just makes you look like an asshole and will never lead to an actual solution as it antagonizes the only people who agree with you 

it also completely ignores the fact that you didnt even attempt to acknowledge the argument i made refused to give any reasonable evidence and said you were correct

so i guess you also chant "kill all men" too? maybe the fish smell is you and you need to get a wash?

anyone can throw stones if you want people to support you and do what you say dont be an asshole about it. the burden of changing peoples minds falls on you not the people just because they are men

i would advise when you are arguing your point that you keep in mind that it falls on you to cite sources and prove your point not to the other person to look up your evidenc

im just going to put this here but

if you want to shut someone down and call them dumb bring actual facts or retaliate with more than "men bad" 

give reasons as to why you are correct. you cant just cry men bad when someone brings a valid point and responds civilly. that is not a way to respond if you want people to respect you

reading your comment and im sorry you also went through that. i hope you are doing alright

Im so sorry that this happened to you. i cant even explain how much i hope you are doing better.  i didnt think it would be this bad i got caught off guard by the amount of description put into this. i entered out of morbid curiosity and left hoping you are alright.

this game is good. but i was wondering if this was going to be updated?

so i just gotta say great game and good writing its really funny but the music after you lose to the hypnosis girl creeps me out not in a bad way but i might as well say it if im leaving a comment

thanks that fixed it

that sort of people dont have any awareness for how much work it takes to make a game.

where could i see if the game folder has read and write privileges?

i found the issue was down to me not putting in the folder properly but now i just get this error instead of the previous one

uh so i just saw this and i tried moving it to the desktop but it didnt work and im on macOS Monterey 12.2

uh i keep getting an error that says stuff isnt loading and once i click retry a few seconds go by and then it comes back saying something else isnt loading eventually looping back saying the first thing that wasnt loading isnt loading again